How to Choose a Garden Location

Bound has sprung, and if y'all're thinking about setting upward a brand new garden, here are some tips to go y'all started on the right pes.

Breaking ground for a new garden

Leap has sprung, and if you're thinking virtually setting up a brand new garden, here are some tips to become y'all started on the right foot.

To decide your constitute choices, consider how much sun yous have

Spend some time watching the sun patterns in your one thousand. How many hours per solar day does the site you have in mind receive full dominicus? And then enquiry the plants y'all intend to use and friction match their needs with the bachelor dominicus in your g. Veggies do best with at least vi hours of total dominicus. If your garden spot doesn't lucifer your constitute'south requirements, you lot tin can either accommodate your plant choices or consider moving the garden to another spot.

Do a soil test—actually

The limerick of your soil can vary a lot from ane side of the g to the other. Things that grow fine in your lawn may struggle in your front yard. For the most accurate soil test results, type "academy extension service" and your state into any search engine to find the nearest soil-testing lab and follow the instructions. After you lot send in your soil sample, the service will mail back a lab report that tells you which nutrients your soil needs. If you lot're not composting yet, consider building a elementary compost bin this spring. In terms of soil enrichment and excellent drainage, compost is king.

If your site isn't right, try a raised bed

If you have problematic soil, a bad back or serious critter problems, building a raised garden bed can be a great solution. You can build information technology on the basis or in a raised planter box. On the ground, set a gravel base to assistance drainage and lay hardware fabric across the bottom to preclude critters from munching on all of your tasty plants. A layer of mural cloth will assist preclude weeds. Then build the bed and fill it with topsoil, mixing organic matter (compost!) into the top 6 to 10 in.

— Elisa Bernick, Associate Editor

We've got some great stories that volition walk you through establishing a new garden and building a raised bed.

How to first new garden in 8 easy steps

Build a raised garden bed


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